Epoch - high school hackathon in the Delhi NCR.

Dec. 30 2022 to Jan. 1 2023
Gurugram, Delhi NCR
₹12.5 Lakh in travel stipends
Doors open at 6PM; 42-hours long


Epoch is a social coding event where teens come together for a weekend to discover the joy of code, build creative projects and share their projects with the world.

175 Hackers

Image of a hackathon with Hack Clubbers

42 Hours

Image of a hackathon with Hack Clubbers


Image of a hackathon with Hack Clubbers

Everything You Need To Know

Venue: Masters' Union
Tower A, DLF Cyberpark,
Phase II, Udyog Vihar, Sector 20,
Gurugram, Delhi NCR
Image of Gurugram's skyline in the Delhi NCRImage of Gurugram's metro in the Delhi NCR
₹12.5 Lakh in Travel Stipends: Epoch is for hackers across India and the world; with that in mind, we're providing ₹12.5 lakh in travel stipends to both domestic and international attendees.
We'll cover the full cost of a return flight to New Delhi for stipend recipients in India and provide a USD 500 stipend to recipients outside of India. Travel stipends can be requested on the registration form below.
Hack Club is a worldwide community of high school hackers. We’re artists, writers, engineers, tinkerers, campers, filmmakers, volunteers. We make things. We help one another. We have fun.
Epoch is fully open source, funded by, and run by the Hack Club community. Hack Clubbers are organising Epoch in public on the Hack Club Slack and with fully transparent finances using Hack Club Bank. Everything from this website to Epoch's dinner menu, was created by teenagers just like yourself and you're welcome to help out in #epoch-bts on the Slack.
Am I eligible to participate in Epoch?
If you're eighteen or under, yes, we are so excited to see you in Cyber City! If you're over 18 but still in high school, shoot us a mail at epoch@hackclub.com.
What do I need to bring to Epoch?
Your laptop, chargers, anything for your hack (hardware?), toiletries, sleeping bags, and an open mind.
I'm not that good at coding, can I join?
This hackathon is for hackers of all skill levels! We'll have workshops and other events so join us and let's learn together. If you'd like to start exploring some introductory projects, check out Hack Club Workshops .
My parents are worried! What should I do?
We're here to help, ask them to reach out to us at epoch@hackclub.com and we'll make sure to answer all their questions. Epoch will be supervised by background checked staff and overseen by 24/7 security staff. Read more in our parent's guide.
Does participating cost anything?
Nothing! We’ll have meals, snacks, and beverages onsite at the hackathon, as well as swag, prizes, and fun mini-events.
What can I make at Epoch?
Anything! Apps, art, sites, and hardware projects are all perfect for a hackathon. Check out what Hack Clubbers are making every day!
What are the sleeping arrangements?
On both nights we will have a designated gender-seperated and supervised sleeping area in the venue with low lights and minimal sound for you to rest! Make sure to bring a sleeping bag!
I have more questions, how can I reach out?
Contact us! Reach out on #epoch on the Hack Club Slack or email us at epoch@hackclub.com We're always ready to answer all your questions!
50+ Hack Clubbers have come together to organise this event; join us on an adventure like none other.
Epoch is open to anyone anywhere, 18 or younger. Participation, including meals, costs nothing and travel stipends are available.
Finish 11 more fields to register.
We look forward to meeting you at Epoch,
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An event crafted by the Hack Club community; email us at epoch@hackclub.com.
Website open sourced at hackclub/www-epoch and finances on Hack Club Bank.
Hack Club Flag